Monday, November 10, 2008

Police on the Hercules and 7 Member

Jakarta, (Analisa)

Kapolres West Jakarta, Commissioner of Police, Iza Fadri, in a press conference Sunday afternoon, explaining, Unit detective Criminal Polres West Jakarta arrest of Hercules and seven members, each of ET, Bd, HEC, Bobby, Al, Ab, FK.

Kapolres decompose, Hercules and seven children fruit safekeeping because the case involved pengeroyokan in the Peninsula Hotel, Friday (7 / 11) last night.

In the event, the one who showed the U.S. experienced two puncture wounds, while the other is a member of the police showed that the BSP Briptu try compose, suffered contusion.

Kapolres said, six other actors are still in search Persons List.

Hercules and the members snared the 170 and 351 Jo 55 Penal Code with the threat of punishment of five years in prison.

The event itself, according to background Kapolres debt-receivables.

Biller debt (debt collector) are operating with the way premanisme is one of the main targets of the operation are held firmly Police.

Based on the inspection team Reskrim Polres West Jakarta, a group of Hercules totaling about 20 people attending the Hotel Menara Peninsula Road S Parman at the request of a man showed Bd.

At around 23:00 WIB, the U.S. arrived in the lobby of the hotel with the intention to meet Bd.

See the mouth of the quarrel, a number of people from the group of Hercules, which is in the restaurant, rushing down and attacked the U.S. intends.

At the same time, the BSP Briptu that is not far from the location of trying compose, but eventually become victims of persecution by the Hercules and some of its members.

Meanwhile, the U.S. tried to flee ballroom terkejar ultimately successful.

Anak buah Hercules yaitu Oj berhasil memukul kepala korban hingga terjatuh.

Son Bobby is the fruit of Hercules successfully beat the victim to the head drop.

At the same time, HEC arrived and immediately thrust belatinya to the left side of victims.

Local hotel security officers compose a successful event, then abduct the victim to the RSCM to get treatment.

Kapolres West Jakarta add evidence that extra work is a folding knife used to puncture the victims and recording the location of CCTV in the incident. (Ant)